Sunday 6 April 2008

The last few bits and bobs in November

After Michele left, the world kept on turning and we realised it was starting to get a bit nippy noodles. But we soldiered on to have a fun card night in our flat. Liam, Catherine and I hosted Paul, Eric, and four of their Uyghur buddies: Jack (Egbar), Maygul, Varis, and a guy who I am going to call Michael because I cannot for the life of me remember his name. The night was great fun, we learned some Uyghur games and I showed off my prowess at Snap ; ) What can I say, it's my calling. Later that month Ivan the Moldovan Kazakh celebrated his birthday, which was a night I won't forget! We all went round to his and Anjelika's apartment, where we ate some lovely food prepared by Angelika, and then she taught us some belly dancing moves. All of us tried out her sequinned belly dancing sash as we wiggled our hips Turkish style. Then we went to some mad Chinese club, which I will never enter again - it was crowded and loud which normally would mean I'd like it, but it just felt dirty somehow. We managed to escape and ran to Fubar! They came with us and tried out some other bars on the road, to return to tell us they'd found a great one. Indeed they had; they'd found the gay bar! I have always had trouble spotting whether Chinese guys are gay or not, as the straight ones are so effete, but now I see!
By this time of the year, I had returned to Erdaoqiao again, and now cannot possibly see how it was that I didn't like it the first time I went. I now absolutely love the place; it is easily my favourite part of Urumqi, and it is particularly amazing at night, when the lights are on but the people haven't stopped the hustle and bustle. Catherine and I went for a wander at some point in November, and came across the Russian part of town, and a brilliant Caspian restaurant. Yum. We love that the buildings in that part of town are so Russian, and that there were loads of Russians wandering the streets. We entered some funny little Russian shops, and found places that sold real butter and biscuits and stuff. Street sellers call out to us in Russian and we find it really amusing that they are totally thrown when we can't understand. Yep, I like Russiatown. After my first visit to Russia, I came home to find some apples had moved in on my desk. Tres amusant. But it was okay, because we had got Liam a very classy Russian-style present.
23rd November was my first ever Thanksgiving. We booked a table at the Sheraton, which is the biggest, classiest hotel in town. They put on a special Thanksgiving Dinner buffet, and though it wasn't quite right, it was pretty damn good. But then I can never control myself at buffets. It was nice to try out a different celebration, but it almost seemed like a Christmas rehearsal dinner! We finished the night in Fubar, bien sur.
We also got the first snow in November, and I am writing in March and it still hasn't melted. Take that for tenacity!

Us in the flat, pre-card playing extravaganza. (l-r) Jack, Paul, Varis, Maygul, me, Michael, Catherine, Eric

Cheat is a pretty hard game when it comes down to it.

Liam is now going to poo in my bed. So he says. For revenge for this photo.

Russian architecture in the south of Urumqi.

Thanksgiving at the Sheraton. (l-r) Catherine, Liam, Eric, me, Will, Tobin.

The first snow! Very excited we were too.

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