Thursday, 23 August 2007


We're in China! Flew out on Tuesday afternoon, stopped off at a ridiculously hot Dubai, then finally flew on to Beijing Capital Airport. Shuttle bus to random bus stop, bus to random street, short walk to the Templeside hostel. I'm sitting on my bed blogging away. The hostel seems nice thus far.
Anyway, I haven't had a proper sleep for 37 hours, so something tells me that now might be the time!
Muchos love to everyone
When I'm next available for huge blog entries, I'll write a longer one about the joyful journey :-$ and what I've been up to so far.
Miss you all x

Monday, 20 August 2007

T-nowhere near enough days

As far as getting everything ready on time is going, I am up the proverbial without a paddle. Hence the extremely sparse posting these days. Hopefully next time I get time and an internet connection at the same time (a rarity in these harrowing times) I can fill you in on the stress that is my life.
Today is my last full day at home. Sadly I can't lie back and enjoy it as it seems I have to do about 20 days' worth of stuff in this time. And it's not like if I don't do it, I can kick back and say 'ah who cares, there's always tomorrow.' Because quite frankly, there is not.
So today, Monday, is last full day. Tuesday I am leaving for London the latest I can conceivably make my dad wait until, and until that time I am being with my boyfriend. This is non-negociable. I need more time with him. If anyone pushes me, I may snap. (Just a wee warning there).
On Wednesday I leave my darling little Travelodge and I'm off to Gatwick. As the situation lies, it looks like Liam will be hitching with us lol. As he is welcome to do, because on Tuesday night, I am finding his room and crying like a baby until he kicks me out. Maybe. I may prefer to drown my sorrows in complete isolation.
Then finally on Thursday I land in Beijing. Which, I'm reliably informed, is 32 degrees C. Also, in an initiative to make the air clearer in time for the Olympics (summer 2008, for those seriously not in the know, ie. on Mars) the authorities are from a few months ago trying to alleviate the pollution levels caused in part by the extreme number of cars circulating daily in Beijing, and there are approximately 1 million less cars on the road in the capital. However the air is apparently (according to the journalist) still acrid, and "burns your lungs at every breath". Oh hahaha, what joy! I can barely contain my excitement about going now, you know!
Oh well, at least I have enough asthma medication to supply a small army.